Sunrise & Sunset Times for the Bahá'í Fast
Now, for the new Badí‘ Calendar
Please fill in the latitude, longitude, time zone, year and display format
for the location and year for which you want to determine the times of
sunrise and sunset. Then click on the "Submit" button. The sunrise and
sunset times for the Bahá'í month of `Alá' will be displayed.
If you do not know your latitude and longitude, please click
This will display a list of the coordinates of many major cities throughout
the world.
If you do not know your time zone, please click
This will display a list of time zones for most of the countries throughout
the world.
If you are interested in some quotations on the significance of the
Bahá'í Fast, please click
If you are interested in technical notes about the program that performs the
calculations, please click Here
The Bahá'í Fasting Times web pages were created by
Jeffrey Brown.